White Flight

The title of this post is “White Flight”… it’s a term first coined in the United States. It characterises the failure of “The Diversity Experiment”…..

It tells the story of how an indigenous population, sell up and move away from the larger towns and cities of their birth, to escape being swallowed in a sea of unwanted, unwarranted and uncontrolled immigration.

White flight has become a serious issue in the UK, as educated and skilled Britons leave for the suburbs, city outskirts and foreign shores. This is not always a voluntary departure, this is an upheaval that most would have loved to avoid. After all, it means moving from a lifetime of familiarity and often extended family. Abandoning all that they have known, their friends, their home, their memories, their history and their roots.

This is a move that has been forced upon them and their families. In Labour’s “Multicultural Utopia”, life is not as it should be. White flight is not spoken about by politicians, especially by the instigators of this mass experiment, because they are guilty of the act themselves. They do however, condemn us doing it!

Why? Bengali’s, Pakistani’s and Chinese tend to live in close knit communities, why aren’t white people allowed to?

The simple answer to that is, it would ruin their experiment.

That’s not what they wanted for the proletariat, they wanted us to live in harmony with Somalis, Poles, Vietnamese and Bangladeshi’s, even though they were not willing to do so themselves. They wanted to say to the world’s unfortunate, destitute underdogs “look we are British, see how generous and happy we are for you to come and live amongst us, we will treat you as though you are one of our own”.

It’s comfortable being benevolent when you don’t include yourself in the equation! It’s acceptable when you can afford a private school for your children where you know they will thrive. The factory worker's son has to go to a "community" state school, where most of the children don’t speak English.

It’s justifiable that your children get good grades and go to University, when his son has done so badly, the only option is for him is to sign on the dole or join the army.

After all, who is going to die in your illegal wars? Not your son!

What isn’t appropriate, is if his family relocate to a “white area” where the schools are still able to concentrate on teaching, rather than ensuring that the immigrant children first learn English. It’s objectionable for the factory worker to want the best for his son too, how dare he! He doesn’t want his son to grow up in an area where young criminals carry knives, mug old ladies and drugs are dealt on street corners either.

You see, if WE do that, we’re racist. If we try to ensure certain areas remain white for us, we are racist.

In Labour’s experiment, we are meant to be “enriched” by living in a diverse community. Trevor Phillips, head of the Commission for Racial Equality said there was a disturbing trend towards schools being either mainly white or mainly black. He blamed “white flight”. He was concerned that ethnic minority children were losing out because of the phenomena. Minority children losing out, what about OUR children?

It's the white people's fault again, we are to blame. We're not participating in your left wing experiment. We don't want to be part of your great diverse utopia!

Mr Phillips, it might have helped if we had been asked if it was OK for large swathes of our country to be invaded by foreigners. Nobody bothered to ask US what we thought and now you have found out that most of us don’t actually like the idea.

Well, Mr Phillips, tough!

The righteous will say I am being racist. The righteous live in areas that are NOT diverse or enriched. They live in the country towns of middle England, their children attend schools where immigrants are a minority. Do you really think that it’s fair that we force white children to attend a school consisting mainly of immigrant children?

Our schools have already been altered to such an extent that they cater for minority children’s needs rather than our own. Christian assemblies have been abolished incase they offend someone. Christmas is no longer celebrated and English children are being politically conditioned to accept the "Diversity Experiment".

Ah, but we are silenced….speak out and you are racist, so what do we do? If we are fortunate enough, we move. If not, we are trapped in that shambles that Labour has created in the name of socialism.

Socialism, where all are equal except the political and upper classes.

… and those white indigenous British that cannot escape, become the real victims of your little experiment....and in my books, that tantamount to treason.


INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

Good, good stuff.

Just replied on http://bugsinbeds.blogspot.com/ that we are really dealing with a process akin, in my opinion, to the fleecing of China using opium. Though this in our case it's people that stay.

THe first wave were invited here to take the offices that our society had created by blood, sweat and tears. Keep the aboriginals out of these positions.

Next stage is completely subvert our society and sink it.

This is not a new process, but the UK people bought fairly in the market it's land in the early 20th century. No one else did.

It's been stolen.

Heads up.

Slim Shady said...

I believe it IS High Treason and those responsible must swing for it.
I fled Britain for precisely this reason, along with a million other ex-pats to this part of southern Spain in which we now live where WE are now in the majority! Better yet, there's no political-correctness here; it's not tolerated. Anyone who dares to preach it is howled down and cold-shouldered ever-after. Very refreshing attitudes and reminiscent of the Britain of 40 years ago. Our tribe isn't about to roll over and die for these scum any time soon!